A downloadable game for Windows


 Where the wind rises

Bosque is a playtest map set in a fantasy forest scene, made during the "Shader Development" course at ITS Academy Lazio Digital in 5 days of work with Unreal Engine. Thanks to the collaboration of my colleagues Daniele Fasano, Claudia Laici and Ivan Migliore, we focused on creating the following shaders and visual effects:

  1. πŸ”οΈ Texture transition based on height: we designed a shader to smoothly transition between textures on the ground, depicting changes in vegetation, rocks, and snow;
  2.  πŸ’¨ Wind system for vegetation: we developed a wind effect that dynamically swayed the forest's foliage, providing a lifelike and immersive experience;
  3. πŸ‚ Seasonal tree foliage color transition: using a shader, we simulated the changing seasons by altering the colors of trees, creating a magical and dynamic forest environment;
  4. πŸƒ Falling leaves only when tree color change: we implemented a shader to make leaves fall from the trees when the foliage colors changed, adding a beautiful touch to the forest;
  5. ✨ Fireflies: we brought the forest to life with the enchanting glow of fireflies through particle systems, enhancing the forest's mystique;
  6. πŸ’« Character trail: to give a sense of movement, we introduced character trails that followed the character as they explored the forest;
  7. 🎨 Cell Shading for the character: we employed cell shading to stylize and make the character stand out, creating a unique visual appeal.
  8. 🌊 River water: we enhanced the river's appearance with a custom shader that improved its visual realism, making it a focal point in the forest.

I would like to express my gratitude to our professor, Dario Mambro, Lead Technical Artist at One-O-One Games, whose guidance and expertise were invaluable. Thanks to his support, we were able to bring our vision to life, to explore shader development and visual effects, and to expand our knowledge with new techniques.


  • WASD to move;
  • Space bar to jump;
  • Double space bar to fly;
  • ALT+F4 to exit.


Bosque - Windows

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