A downloadable game for Windows

Games Bond

2nd place winner in the "Digital Services" category @ ITS 4.0

Games Bond is a serious game designed to educate players while they have fun, developed with Unity and C# in just two weeks of work. The primary purpose of the game is to raise awareness among pre-employment-aged youth about cybersecurity and the risks associated with cyberattacks, helping them to navigate digital world more safely and confidently. Games Bond challenges players to face some of the most common security vulnerabilities, avoid cyber threats, eliminate phishing emails and protect passwords and sensitive data.

A heartfelt thank you goes to Vigamus Academy and Exprivia, whose invaluable support made this project a reality. I would also like to thank ITS Academy Lazio Digital for providing us with this extraordinary opportunity. Last but not least, my gratitude goes to MIUR and Università Ca' Foscari Venezia for giving us the privilege of participating in ITS Day 4.0 and achieving second place out of nineteen projects in the "Digital Services" category.

I owe a great deal of gratitude to the team that worked tirelessly with me to bring this game to life: Daniele Fasano, Claudia Laici, Jacopo Simonelli, Matteo Simoni, our professor Andrea Leganza, our tutor Giulia Massei and the cybersecurity class students.

Enjoy exploring the world of cybersecurity with us!


Games Bond - Windows.zip 89 MB

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